Our Purpose
Why the Health Equity Task Force Exists:
Wyandotte County, Kansas experienced the first death due to COVID-19 in the state. Data showed that the residents of Wyandotte County–over half of whom are either African American, Hispanic/Latino, Asian American, or Native American–were affected by COVID-19 at disproportionally higher rates than white residents.
In response to public health data, community leaders representing the diversity of the community partnered with the Unified Government of Wyandotte County’s Public Health Department to form the Wyandotte County Health Equity Task Force (HETF). Since the pandemic started, these leaders have worked together to bring a community perspective to the COVID-19 response in Wyandotte County.
The HETF has worked together to share resources, translate languages, reach underserved communities, and increase access to COVID-19 testing and vaccinations.
Organized into subcommittees led by community leaders, the goal of the HETF has been to reach the communities that have been the most impacted by the pandemic. The HETF is organized through regular meetings between its members and area-specific subgroups that focus on specific issues. The HETF meetings serve to coordinate their efforts on specific areas of focus with the Wyandotte County Health Department and engaged community leaders.
The HETF is committed to continuing the battle against COVID-19 and working together out in the community to protect our most vulnerable and underserved communities from the health impacts of COVID-19 and systemic racism in Wyandotte County.
How We Work Together:
The purpose of the Wyandotte County Health Equity Task Force (HETF) is to improve the health outcomes of all Wyandotte County residents that have been historically marginalized or underserved, and co-lead initiatives in response to COVID-19 that address health inequalities in vulnerable communities. The HETF is doing this work through the coordination of Neighborhood-Based Clinic Locations within the areas most vulnerable to COVID-19.
Members of the HETF coordinate with their networks and partners to promote health equity in how community decisions are made. From engaging with health assessments to supporting local health and neighborhood organizations, the HETF works with the Wyandotte Health Department to make sure the voices of the most marginalized have a seat at the table.
Members of the HETF regularly work with local youth, neighborhood, and community groups to improve their health outcomes. The HETF coordinates these efforts through improving indoor air quality, teaching health equity to community members, and connecting youth to leadership training opportunities.
Systemic racism has led to health inequities that reduce the life expectancy of marginalized communities in Wyandotte County. The HETF is working to remove barriers to healthcare access, increase access to language services, and support affordable housing and anti-displacement initiatives that address the impact of redlining in our community.